Close-up of a deep sea crab imaged with the Little Hercules ROV. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2012. Download larger version (jpg, 1.2 MB).
The ship arrived at our planned dive location west of the West Florida Escarpment at about 0330. Anyone trying to sleep for the previous few hours knew that sea conditions had deteriorated overnight. Sure enough, at 0350, the ship's Commanding Officer Robert Kamphaus and ROV Team Lead Dave Lovalvo determined that it was unsafe for personnel and equipment to dive. Science Team Lead Tim Shank and Mapping Watchstander Chris Pinero quickly identified an alternative dive location several hours north and presumably away from the strong Loop Current. The ship was underway again by 0400. At approximately 0700, we arrived at the new target. Fortunately, conditions were much better and the dive proceeded.