Mission Personnel flocked to the ROV Control Room when the ROV happened upon a swimming deep-sea spider. You can see the long closely packed setae on the rear legs.

Mission Personnel flocked to the ROV Control Room when the ROV happened upon a swimming deep-sea spider. You can see the long closely packed setae on the rear legs. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2012. Download larger version (jpg, 1.0 MB).

A Typical Day on a Not-so-typical Ship
April 3, 2012

The NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer conducted overnight mapping operations to complement the ship's previous mapping efforts in 2011. At approximately 0915, ship and mission crew launched Little Herc and Seirios for the fourteenth dive of the 2012 field season. This was the fourth remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive in the vicinity of Deepwater Horizon. The ROV and camera platform were safely recovered by 1700. Mapping operations continued following recovery.