NOAA's Seirios camera platform images Little Hercules during an encounter with a skate. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2012. Download larger version (jpg, 1.3 MB).
ROV Dive Highlights
Video footage captured by the Little Hercules remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and Seirios camera platform during the April 18 ROV dive from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the Gulf of Mexico Expedition 2012. The dive was conducted at a site located south of the Biloxi Dome, where sonar data acquired by the ship in 2011 suggested relatively strong indicators of gas seeps in the water column. During the dive, we located and ground truthed the source of the gas seeps seen in the sonar data and explored new seafloor habitats. Video courtesy of NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Gulf of Mexico Expedition 2012. Download (mp4, 262.0 MB)
The sixth remotely operated vehicle dive of the cruise was conducted today at a site located south of the Biloxi Dome, where sonar data acquired by the ship in 2011 suggested relatively strong indicators of gas seeps in the water column. During the dive, we located and ground-truthed the source of the gas seeps seen in the sonar data and explored new seafloor habitats.