Flags of the United States of America, Republic of Indonesia, NOAA Corps, and Okeanos Explorer Commissioning fly above the bridge.

Flags of the United States of America, Republic of Indonesia, NOAA Corps, and Okeanos Explorer Commissioning fly above the bridge. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download larger version (jpg, 5.5 MB).

Multibeam Operations
July 4, 2010

Though many of us onboard had thoughts of outdoor BBQs and family events back home, it certainly wasn't a day to kick back and relax onboard the Okeanos Explorer. After completing ROV dive #5 on July 3rd, we then transited toward the northeast priority box in the approved geographic area of operations. The ship collected multibeam data during transit and arrived in the northwest corner of the priority area at approximately 0830 on July 4. This allowed for approximately 12 hours of multibeam operations in the area we needed to select an ROV dive target for July 05. While the Mapping Team monitored the multibeam system, processed data, and developed products, the ROV crew spent a full day discussing lessons learned from previous dives, addressing open ‘trouble tickets’, and making improvements in preparation for tomorrow's dive. Eric Prechtl gave an impressive overview of the ROV Wiki in development.