An ARMS unit installed on the seafloor. The design consists of alternating four open and four semi-closed layers constructed with 23-centimeter by 23-centimeter gray, type 1 PVC plates. A plastic pond filter mesh and a final plate top these 8 layers and together as a unit they are attached to a 35-centimeter by 45-centimeter base plate. Different creatures recruit to the different layers of the device.
Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download image (jpg, 44 KB).
An ARMS unit installed on the seafloor. The design consists of alternating four open and four semi-closed layers constructed with 23-centimeter by 23-centimeter gray, type 1 PVC plates. A plastic pond filter mesh and a final plate top these 8 layers and together as a unit they are attached to a 35-centimeter by 45-centimeter base plate. Different creatures recruit to the different layers of the device.
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