WEBVTT 1 00:00:11.029 --> 00:00:12.867 Full on eruption, baby! Yeah! 2 00:00:13.897 --> 00:00:19.778 So, the CTD came up and we sampled several of the bottles and we knew that it was likely to be enriched in hydrogen, 3 00:00:20.310 --> 00:00:25.605 so I ran those samples first and we saw a very significant concentration of hydrogen in the plume. 4 00:00:26.142 --> 00:00:28.045 We started to see lots of indicators, lots of layers of plumes. 5 00:00:28.145 --> 00:00:33.835 And Ben just came back and said he’s seen so much hydrogen that he’s had to dilute his samples a lot. 6 00:00:34.665 --> 00:00:39.745 It’s 750 nanomolar. Background is like one nanomolar, so there’s a lot of hydrogen there. 7 00:00:41.581 --> 00:00:49.666 So basically the idea behind the sampling is to make sure there’s no air, no atmosphere, in the water sample. 8 00:00:50.752 --> 00:00:52.051 All your gas is dissolved in the water sample. 9 00:00:53.379 --> 00:00:58.162 In order to get it out of there and put it in a form that we can analyze, you have to put a headspace on it and we use helium to do that. 10 00:00:59.218 --> 00:01:03.216 And you kind of shake up the water with this helium and it kind of pulls out all of the gas and 11 00:01:03.715 --> 00:01:07.660 then you inject that gas into the GC and then you can measure what’s in the gas. 12 00:01:08.161 --> 00:01:11.095 And then you can back calculate how much was in the water to begin with. 13 00:01:11.669 --> 00:01:15.915 When you have an eruption, you get a lot of violent interaction between hot rock and seawater and it creates lots of particles. 14 00:01:18.548 --> 00:01:26.337 Basically, we loaded particles onto these filters and I’ll take them back to the lab and I’ll get the elemental composition of the particles. 15 00:01:26.829 --> 00:01:31.414 You see how this one, kind of like, when I did the rinse. Yeah. It move the stuff around a little? 16 00:01:32.460 --> 00:01:33.714 It moves some stuff around, which usually means sulfur. 17 00:01:34.499 --> 00:01:37.418 If it comes right out of the vents and it’s super yellow, then it’s obvious. 18 00:01:38.719 --> 00:01:41.883 But once you get up in the water column, it’s probably got iron and sulfur both in it. 19 00:01:42.386 --> 00:01:42.918 Oh, absolutely. 20 00:01:49.167 --> 00:01:56.470 With Ahyi having erupted and NW Rota having stopped, you start to ask yourself the question, how frequently do these things do this? 21 00:01:57.581 --> 00:01:59.966 So it’s really pretty cool that we found another erupting volcano. 22 00:02:00.218 --> 00:02:04.497 I mean, I came out here to study the erupting volcano at NW Rota. Shut out. I didn’t get my work done. 23 00:02:06.136 --> 00:02:07.468 And then, here’s another opportunity.