WEBVTT 1 00:00:10.450 --> 00:00:14.188 CTD stands for conductivity, temperature, and depth. 2 00:00:14.697 --> 00:00:18.531 By measuring those three things, we can tell a lot about the seawater. 3 00:00:19.084 --> 00:00:21.779 We can calculate a lot of other information about it. 4 00:00:22.028 --> 00:00:23.944 For example, the salinity, how salty it is. 5 00:00:24.790 --> 00:00:30.125 What’s most important about the CTD for our purposes is that we put additional sensors on it, 6 00:00:30.927 --> 00:00:33.424 like the light scattering sensor, which measures for particles, 7 00:00:33.955 --> 00:00:39.869 the oxidation reduction potential sensor, or ORP, which is an indicator of the type of chemistry. 8 00:00:40.420 --> 00:00:48.085 Oh! There we go! There’s an anomaly. We’ve got high particles, low oxidation reduction potential, and a decrease in pH as well. 9 00:00:48.676 --> 00:00:51.755 So what we know from this is that the volcano is still active. 10 00:00:52.344 --> 00:01:02.122 They were doing a coral reef survey around the coast of that island and they were hearing underwater explosions for Ahyi, 11 00:01:02.373 --> 00:01:02.924 which is right under us here. Because Ahyi was erupting, they could hear it over there. 12 00:01:04.280 --> 00:01:08.787 They could even hear the booms through the hull of the ship, which is pretty amazing. 13 00:01:09.578 --> 00:01:12.906 For now, we’re just collecting some baseline data so we know what’s happening here 14 00:01:13.415 --> 00:01:20.172 and then we’re going to further northwest to NW Eifuku, our next Jason dive site, another seamount about eight hours further north.