WEBVTT 00:00:04.967 --> 00:00:05.828 Welcome, everyone. 00:00:05.828 --> 00:00:07.086 Thanks for joining today. 00:00:07.086 --> 00:00:10.067 We'll get started in a moment. 00:01:36.369 --> 00:01:38.555 Welcome, everyone. 00:01:38.555 --> 00:01:41.668 We're about a minute after the hour, so I'm going to go ahead and get started. 00:01:42.198 --> 00:01:44.582 Thank you all for joining the webinar today. 00:01:44.582 --> 00:01:48.026 Today we'll be talking about our fiscal year 2025 00:01:48.821 --> 00:01:51.868 Notice of Funding Opportunity for Ocean Exploration. 00:01:52.265 --> 00:01:56.305 This webinar for today will be recorded and added to our funding website. 00:01:57.498 --> 00:02:00.346 The audience will remain muted throughout the webinar, 00:02:00.346 --> 00:02:03.856 but we do ask you to ask questions in the questions tab, 00:02:04.783 --> 00:02:06.042 and we will answer them live 00:02:06.042 --> 00:02:09.155 during the question and answer session at the end of the session. 00:02:09.817 --> 00:02:13.394 For more information about our funding opportunity this year, 00:02:13.725 --> 00:02:18.229 please visit our website at oceanexplorer.noaa.gov. 00:02:18.825 --> 00:02:21.408 We have details about this website in our chat 00:02:22.799 --> 00:02:25.845 on the Go to webinar panel. 00:02:27.766 --> 00:02:29.157 My name is Frank Cantelas 00:02:29.157 --> 00:02:32.535 and I'm the acting program manager for this funding opportunity. 00:02:33.131 --> 00:02:36.708 I have several people working behind the scenes today who I’d like to introduce, 00:02:36.708 --> 00:02:39.225 helping to make the webinar possible. 00:02:39.225 --> 00:02:42.205 We have Ashley Marranzino, a benthic biologist. 00:02:42.470 --> 00:02:44.921 She’ll be working to answer your questions 00:02:44.921 --> 00:02:47.967 within the questions tab of the GoToWebinar panel. 00:02:48.365 --> 00:02:51.345 We also have Nina Pruzinsky here, 00:02:51.478 --> 00:02:53.597 grant science support coordinator. 00:02:53.597 --> 00:02:56.644 She is helping with troubleshooting any problems you may have. 00:02:56.909 --> 00:03:00.618 At the end of this webinar during the question and answer period, 00:03:00.949 --> 00:03:03.930 she will be reading your questions aloud for me to answer. 00:03:04.724 --> 00:03:06.844 We also have Anna Lienesch, 00:03:06.844 --> 00:03:09.626 who is our data management lead for our grant program. 00:03:09.626 --> 00:03:12.739 She will help with any data related questions that may come up. 00:03:13.666 --> 00:03:15.785 I'd also like to mention 00:03:15.785 --> 00:03:18.766 and introduce Adrian Copeland, who’s currently, 00:03:19.163 --> 00:03:23.071 who is normally the grant program manager for this funding opportunity. 00:03:23.535 --> 00:03:27.972 I'm covering for her while she's away from the office, but she'll be back in June 00:03:27.972 --> 00:03:32.410 and will be the main POC for those who apply for these grants. 00:03:36.583 --> 00:03:37.510 During the webinar today, 00:03:37.510 --> 00:03:41.285 we'll be giving you an introduction to NOAA Ocean Exploration, 00:03:41.616 --> 00:03:45.259 discussing the FY 25 Ocean Exploration funding opportunity, 00:03:45.789 --> 00:03:49.035 and going over the requirements for this year's funding opportunity. 00:03:50.227 --> 00:03:52.280 And discussing some proposal tips. 00:03:52.280 --> 00:03:56.320 Along the bottom of each slide, you'll see tabs 00:03:56.850 --> 00:03:59.831 that will orient you to this agenda. 00:04:04.401 --> 00:04:05.196 So to start, 00:04:05.196 --> 00:04:08.176 we'll talk a little bit about NOAA Ocean Exploration. 00:04:08.772 --> 00:04:12.812 NOAA Ocean Exploration is a program dedicated to exploring 00:04:12.812 --> 00:04:17.581 the unknown ocean, unlocking its potential through scientific discovery, 00:04:17.912 --> 00:04:21.820 technology advancements, partnerships, and data delivery. 00:04:21.820 --> 00:04:24.867 NOAA Ocean Exploration is leading national efforts 00:04:25.331 --> 00:04:28.510 to fill gaps in our basic understanding of the marine environment, 00:04:28.973 --> 00:04:32.947 providing critical ocean data, information, and awareness 00:04:33.543 --> 00:04:37.054 needed to strengthen our economy, health, and security 00:04:37.054 --> 00:04:38.180 of the United States. 00:04:42.154 --> 00:04:45.465 NOAA Ocean Exploration focuses on unexplored 00:04:45.465 --> 00:04:48.446 or underexplored areas for national benefit. 00:04:50.102 --> 00:04:52.155 We have a particular focus on areas 00:04:52.155 --> 00:04:55.136 that are greater than 200 meters in water depth. 00:04:55.136 --> 00:05:00.567 However, we do explore in shallower areas for this opportunity when it comes to 00:05:00.567 --> 00:05:05.137 our maritime heritage priorities and tropical metaphoric environments. 00:05:05.998 --> 00:05:08.250 The main goal of our office is to make the data 00:05:08.250 --> 00:05:11.694 we collect publicly accessible as soon as possible. 00:05:12.422 --> 00:05:16.132 Our priorities are informed by a number of strategic documents, 00:05:16.132 --> 00:05:20.106 including the NOAA Ocean Exploration Strategic Plan 00:05:20.503 --> 00:05:24.808 and the national strategy for ocean mapping, exploring and characterizing 00:05:25.139 --> 00:05:28.120 the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. 00:05:34.809 --> 00:05:35.935 Ocean exploration 00:05:35.935 --> 00:05:40.837 comprises activities that provide a multidisciplinary view of an unknown 00:05:40.837 --> 00:05:45.672 or poorly understood area of the seafloor, sub-bottom or water column 00:05:45.672 --> 00:05:49.513 In an initial assessment on the physical, chemical, biological, 00:05:49.513 --> 00:05:53.222 archeological, or other characteristics of such an area. 00:05:53.951 --> 00:05:57.461 You can see from the schematic on the right that defines site exploration 00:05:57.925 --> 00:06:01.634 that includes the water column, seafloor, sub-seafloor, 00:06:01.634 --> 00:06:05.012 looking at the biology and environment of that place. 00:06:09.781 --> 00:06:13.026 The primary work we conduct is focused in several areas, 00:06:13.556 --> 00:06:18.722 the operation of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer with its 6,000 meter capable ROV, 00:06:19.119 --> 00:06:22.564 deepwater mapping system, and telepresence communication system. 00:06:23.425 --> 00:06:27.465 We support development of new ocean exploration technologies. 00:06:27.796 --> 00:06:30.710 We use funding mechanisms like competitive grants 00:06:30.710 --> 00:06:33.956 and cooperative agreements to support the ocean exploration community. 00:06:33.956 --> 00:06:37.201 Education and outreach are integral 00:06:37.201 --> 00:06:40.380 parts of all NOAA Ocean Exploration projects. 00:06:40.977 --> 00:06:44.023 Finally, building strong partnerships to carry out 00:06:44.553 --> 00:06:47.534 the mission is also a priority. 00:06:52.037 --> 00:06:53.826 Now I'm going to get into the discussion 00:06:53.826 --> 00:06:56.806 of the funding opportunity. 00:06:57.336 --> 00:07:00.383 I'd like to preface this part of the talk to let you know 00:07:00.383 --> 00:07:04.821 The Ocean Exploration Fiscal Year 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity, 00:07:05.880 --> 00:07:09.258 available in Grants.gov, is the authoritative guide 00:07:09.258 --> 00:07:11.908 for the application process. 00:07:11.908 --> 00:07:15.418 We are here today to help you with that process, and everything we share 00:07:15.418 --> 00:07:19.723 about the application process is from this notice of funding opportunity. 00:07:20.849 --> 00:07:23.830 This year's funding opportunity is open to applicants 00:07:24.227 --> 00:07:27.340 from U.S.-based institutions of higher education, 00:07:27.671 --> 00:07:30.387 nonprofit organizations, 00:07:30.387 --> 00:07:33.433 U.S. state, tribal, territory, and local governments, 00:07:33.765 --> 00:07:37.341 for profit organizations, and federal agencies 00:07:37.341 --> 00:07:41.381 that possess the statutory authority to accept funding for this type of work. 00:07:42.110 --> 00:07:45.753 For this year, federal principal investigators are required to consult 00:07:46.349 --> 00:07:49.064 with the National Oceanographic Partnership Program 00:07:49.064 --> 00:07:53.171 to make sure that their project aligns with those requirements. 00:07:57.277 --> 00:08:00.854 Applicants from institutions that are part of the Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute, 00:08:00.854 --> 00:08:07.212 or OECI, are only eligible to collaborate with an eligible 00:08:07.212 --> 00:08:10.988 U.S.-based applicant on the proposal as a subawardee, 00:08:11.518 --> 00:08:14.829 but not as a principal or co-principal investigator. 00:08:15.558 --> 00:08:18.340 Projects are not limited to waters under U.S. jurisdiction, 00:08:18.340 --> 00:08:21.784 but must address how they will provide 00:08:21.916 --> 00:08:24.897 national benefit. 00:08:26.950 --> 00:08:28.672 Proposed projects must support priorities in the 00:08:31.454 --> 00:08:36.024 NOAA Ocean Exploration Strategic Plan, and/or consider the strategic priorities 00:08:36.421 --> 00:08:40.329 for ocean exploration and characterization 00:08:40.329 --> 00:08:43.310 of the United States Exclusive Economic Zone. 00:08:44.171 --> 00:08:46.555 The amount of funding available for this opportunity 00:08:46.555 --> 00:08:50.529 is subject to the final FY25 federal appropriation. 00:08:51.390 --> 00:08:53.642 We are anticipating approximately $3 million 00:08:53.642 --> 00:08:56.623 available to fund 4 to 8 awards. 00:08:57.484 --> 00:09:00.464 These can be 1- or 2-year awards. 00:09:00.729 --> 00:09:04.306 Funding requests must range from $50,000 to $750,000 for maritime heritage themes, 00:09:09.207 --> 00:09:12.254 and $50,000 to $1 million for ocean exploration themes. 00:09:16.294 --> 00:09:19.009 As I just mentioned, we have two themes. 00:09:19.009 --> 00:09:24.242 First is the ocean exploration theme, and the second is the maritime heritage theme. 00:09:24.639 --> 00:09:27.620 I'll describe each of these. 00:09:31.528 --> 00:09:32.918 In the ocean exploration theme, 00:09:32.918 --> 00:09:36.495 We're looking for proposals that explore unknown or poorly known ocean 00:09:36.495 --> 00:09:41.396 areas, processes, and resources in waters deeper than 200 meters. 00:09:43.185 --> 00:09:45.437 It can include the use or development of 00:09:45.437 --> 00:09:49.675 novel technologies, and/or analysis of samples 00:09:49.675 --> 00:09:53.848 and datasets that already exist are are publicly accessible. 00:09:54.378 --> 00:09:57.690 Projects in shallower waters will be considered for exploration 00:09:57.690 --> 00:10:00.670 of tropical mesophotic environments. 00:10:01.333 --> 00:10:04.512 Projects must demonstrate a relationship to at least one 00:10:05.770 --> 00:10:09.016 exploration variable identified by NOAA Ocean Exploration. 00:10:09.148 --> 00:10:13.188 The link to that document is in our notice of funding opportunity 00:10:13.188 --> 00:10:16.169 and on our website. 00:10:17.891 --> 00:10:19.547 There are two focus areas 00:10:19.547 --> 00:10:23.123 within the ocean exploration theme. 00:10:23.322 --> 00:10:27.164 Exploration of physical, chemical, and biological environments 00:10:27.164 --> 00:10:30.409 and processes within the oceanic water column. 00:10:31.932 --> 00:10:34.184 And improvements to genetic libraries 00:10:34.184 --> 00:10:38.291 for species-level environmental DNA analysis of 00:10:38.291 --> 00:10:41.271 deep-sea species. 00:10:43.192 --> 00:10:45.643 The second theme is maritime heritage. 00:10:45.643 --> 00:10:49.550 This is the exploration for significant maritime heritage resources 00:10:50.080 --> 00:10:53.127 that improve understanding of the past and inform decisions 00:10:53.127 --> 00:10:56.902 about management and preservation. 00:10:57.432 --> 00:11:01.870 Projects can be conducted in any water depth and are not limited to waters 00:11:01.870 --> 00:11:03.923 under U.S. jurisdiction. 00:11:03.923 --> 00:11:07.036 The focus under this theme is conflict archeology, 00:11:07.367 --> 00:11:11.143 incorporation of Indigenous knowledge, and wide-area searches 00:11:11.143 --> 00:11:15.117 in areas poorly mapped for maritime heritage. 00:11:20.548 --> 00:11:21.210 This is the 00:11:21.210 --> 00:11:24.191 FY25 funding opportunity timeline. 00:11:24.588 --> 00:11:27.966 We published our notice of funding opportunity on April 2. 00:11:28.694 --> 00:11:32.072 The deadline for pre-proposals, which is a requirement to submit 00:11:32.072 --> 00:11:36.974 a full proposal, is May 30, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. Eastern Time. 00:11:38.696 --> 00:11:43.067 The deadline for full proposal submission is October 3, 2024, 00:11:43.663 --> 00:11:46.644 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. 00:11:47.240 --> 00:11:49.227 We plan to notify applicants 00:11:49.227 --> 00:11:52.737 of their award selection by April 2025. 00:11:53.135 --> 00:11:56.844 Anticipated start, the anticipated start date for grants 00:11:56.844 --> 00:11:59.890 is September 2025. 00:12:00.288 --> 00:12:03.268 Dates here are subject to change. 00:12:04.924 --> 00:12:06.712 Now, I'm going to go over the requirements 00:12:06.712 --> 00:12:09.693 for applying to this year's funding opportunity. 00:12:10.355 --> 00:12:14.064 Our resources and instructions can, again, be found on our website 00:12:14.660 --> 00:12:18.899 at this address. On our website, 00:12:18.966 --> 00:12:21.946 you'll find a link to this year's notice of funding opportunity, 00:12:21.946 --> 00:12:25.191 which will take you to the Grants.gov website. 00:12:25.854 --> 00:12:28.371 Within the notice of funding opportunity 00:12:28.371 --> 00:12:32.477 are all the details I'm going to be mentioning today, as well as a checklist 00:12:32.477 --> 00:12:35.988 to ensure that you've submitted all the required materials 00:12:36.186 --> 00:12:40.491 as part of both the pre-proposal and the full proposal submission. 00:12:41.882 --> 00:12:44.664 On our website, you'll also find the required cover sheet, 00:12:44.664 --> 00:12:47.843 which is a requirement for both the pre-proposal 00:12:47.843 --> 00:12:52.347 and full proposal, as well as instructions on how to complete the cover sheet. 00:12:52.943 --> 00:12:56.122 You'll also find guidance on how to put together the budget tables 00:12:56.122 --> 00:13:01.355 and the data management plans, which are both again requirements at full proposal stage. 00:13:02.083 --> 00:13:05.196 On our website, there's a link to the most recent 00:13:06.190 --> 00:13:09.700 NEPA, or National Environmental Policy Act, questionnaire, 00:13:09.700 --> 00:13:13.211 which is required to be completed at the full proposal stage. 00:13:13.807 --> 00:13:17.913 You'll also find the frequently asked questions. The frequently asked 00:13:17.913 --> 00:13:21.092 questions document will be updated throughout this funding cycle. 00:13:21.755 --> 00:13:26.060 So, I encourage you to check back there if you have any questions. 00:13:26.325 --> 00:13:28.511 If you don't find your question 00:13:28.511 --> 00:13:31.756 answered there, you can also reach out to us via email, 00:13:31.756 --> 00:13:33.677 and we'll be happy to answer those questions. 00:13:35.068 --> 00:13:37.717 We will also be updating the frequently asked questions 00:13:37.717 --> 00:13:40.698 based on the questions we received today. 00:13:42.883 --> 00:13:45.864 I'll go over the requirements for the pre-proposal now. 00:13:45.864 --> 00:13:48.778 Again, you are required to submit a pre-proposal in order 00:13:48.778 --> 00:13:51.825 to be considered for a full proposal. 00:13:55.401 --> 00:13:58.382 The first requirement for the pre- proposal stage is to complete 00:13:58.647 --> 00:14:01.694 a NOAA Ocean Exploration notice of funding opportunity cover sheet. 00:14:02.025 --> 00:14:05.403 This document is a two-page document that can be found on our website, 00:14:05.469 --> 00:14:08.449 as I mentioned previously. 00:14:09.045 --> 00:14:09.973 The next requirement 00:14:09.973 --> 00:14:13.086 is the pre-proposal, which is a maximum of two pages. 00:14:13.483 --> 00:14:16.530 Anything beyond the two-page limit will not be reviewed. 00:14:16.993 --> 00:14:19.510 Details about what you should include 00:14:19.510 --> 00:14:23.087 for the pre-proposal can be found in the notice of funding opportunity. 00:14:23.683 --> 00:14:27.260 This year, we also request that you submit demographic information 00:14:27.260 --> 00:14:30.704 through a web link found in the funding opportunity announcement. 00:14:31.830 --> 00:14:34.810 This is completely voluntary. 00:14:34.876 --> 00:14:39.513 The pre-proposal package is due May 30, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. Eastern Time 00:14:39.513 --> 00:14:44.811 via email to our email address listed here, which is 00:14:45.209 --> 00:14:50.441 oer.nofo2025@noaa.gov. 00:14:51.369 --> 00:14:53.952 Make sure to allow enough time for this submission, 00:14:53.952 --> 00:14:56.998 because any pre-proposals received after this deadline 00:14:57.661 --> 00:15:00.045 will not be considered for review. 00:15:00.045 --> 00:15:03.423 When you send those emails, make sure to include your last name 00:15:03.688 --> 00:15:06.735 as the principal investigator along with 00:15:07.331 --> 00:15:10.311 ocean exploration pre-proposal. 00:15:18.789 --> 00:15:21.770 Now for the full proposal requirements. 00:15:23.558 --> 00:15:24.949 Again, you'll need to submit the NOAA Ocean Exploration 00:15:28.327 --> 00:15:32.632 notice of funding opportunity cover sheet and make sure to update it with whatever 00:15:32.632 --> 00:15:36.672 changes might have occurred between the pre-proposal and full proposal stage. 00:15:37.997 --> 00:15:42.633 The proposal must include an executive summary, a maximum of one page, 00:15:44.422 --> 00:15:47.468 a project narrative, maximum 15 pages. 00:15:47.932 --> 00:15:50.846 And again, I'll encourage you to read the notice of funding opportunity 00:15:50.846 --> 00:15:54.688 because it talks about what you should include within the project narrative. 00:15:55.615 --> 00:15:59.192 A data and information sharing plan, a maximum of two pages. 00:15:59.721 --> 00:16:02.834 An outreach and education plan, maximum of one page. 00:16:03.960 --> 00:16:07.934 A statement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, 00:16:08.332 --> 00:16:11.312 a maximum of one page. 00:16:13.101 --> 00:16:15.816 A previous significant results document 00:16:15.816 --> 00:16:19.062 from any prior funding from NOAA Ocean Exploration. 00:16:19.856 --> 00:16:21.711 This is important. 00:16:21.711 --> 00:16:23.234 This is a required document. 00:16:23.234 --> 00:16:24.758 So, if you have not received 00:16:24.758 --> 00:16:28.334 previous funding, be sure you still include this document 00:16:28.732 --> 00:16:31.712 and state that you have received no prior funding. 00:16:33.898 --> 00:16:35.951 A summary of current funding. 00:16:35.951 --> 00:16:40.124 Support for each principal investigator and co-principal investigator. 00:16:40.720 --> 00:16:43.700 A CV or resume for each principal investigator 00:16:44.628 --> 00:16:46.548 and each co-principal investigator, 00:16:46.548 --> 00:16:50.059 with a maximum of two pages per document per person. 00:16:51.251 --> 00:16:55.291 A budget justification and budget tables. 00:16:55.291 --> 00:16:58.272 If applicable, the negotiated indirect cost memo. 00:16:59.067 --> 00:17:02.113 The NEPA questionnaire with questions 1 through 19 00:17:02.577 --> 00:17:05.624 and 51 through 57, answered. 00:17:05.624 --> 00:17:08.869 And again, that NEPA questionnaire, as well as guidance on the budget 00:17:08.869 --> 00:17:11.916 justification and budget tables, can be found on the website. 00:17:15.890 --> 00:17:17.479 It's optional for grant. 00:17:17.479 --> 00:17:19.665 It's optional to provide letters of support. 00:17:19.665 --> 00:17:23.639 Letters of support can be for the outreach and education activities. 00:17:24.765 --> 00:17:27.414 It can also be letters of support for ship time 00:17:27.414 --> 00:17:30.594 request or work in MPAs as examples. 00:17:31.786 --> 00:17:33.640 But those are optional. 00:17:33.640 --> 00:17:37.747 If your project is in state waters, you must submit a letter of support 00:17:37.747 --> 00:17:40.727 from the applicable State Historic Preservation Office. 00:17:42.582 --> 00:17:44.370 A letter of support 00:17:44.370 --> 00:17:47.020 from the Tribal Historic Preservation Office 00:17:47.020 --> 00:17:50.795 if a project occurs on federally recognized tribal lands. 00:17:51.523 --> 00:17:54.769 A letter of support from the Indigenous community 00:17:55.166 --> 00:17:58.014 if a project mentions cooperation 00:17:58.014 --> 00:18:01.326 or collaboration with any Indigenous community by name. 00:18:02.187 --> 00:18:04.571 Nonfederal applicants must submit 00:18:04.571 --> 00:18:07.287 these OMB forms: the SF-424, 00:18:07.287 --> 00:18:10.400 the SF-424A, 00:18:10.532 --> 00:18:14.639 SF-424B, SF-LLL, 00:18:15.500 --> 00:18:17.686 and the CD511 forms. 00:18:22.123 --> 00:18:22.653 For federal 00:18:22.653 --> 00:18:25.766 principal investigators, they also need to include a maximum 00:18:25.766 --> 00:18:30.005 one page document detailing their NOPP coordination efforts, 00:18:30.336 --> 00:18:33.648 NOPP stands for National Oceanographic Partnership Program, 00:18:34.178 --> 00:18:37.754 and how the project conforms to the NOPP partnership requirements. 00:18:39.410 --> 00:18:40.934 You can submit a list. 00:18:40.934 --> 00:18:44.311 You can submit a list of suggested reviewers, which is optional. 00:18:46.431 --> 00:18:49.345 Again, be sure that all of these documents are submitted. 00:18:49.345 --> 00:18:53.319 If they are not submitted, the proposal will not go out for review. 00:18:54.379 --> 00:18:58.485 Full proposals are due October 3, 2024, 00:18:58.485 --> 00:19:03.652 at 11:59 Eastern Time. For nonfederal applicants, 00:19:03.652 --> 00:19:09.017 documents must be submitted individually through Grants.gov. 00:19:09.679 --> 00:19:13.189 For federal applicants, they must be submitted via email 00:19:13.653 --> 00:19:16.965 to our email address, again listed here at 00:19:16.965 --> 00:19:18.289 oer.nofo2025@noaa.gov 00:19:18.289 --> 00:19:22.462 oer.nofo2025@noaa.gov 00:19:23.455 --> 00:19:26.303 I also want to highlight here, 00:19:26.303 --> 00:19:28.357 and it's not listed, 00:19:28.357 --> 00:19:31.470 make sure when you submit your project narrative, you also include 00:19:31.470 --> 00:19:35.311 your references or citations. Your references and citations 00:19:35.311 --> 00:19:38.689 do not count towards the 15-page limit of the project 00:19:38.689 --> 00:19:39.285 narrative. 00:19:44.915 --> 00:19:47.763 There are a few format requirements to be aware of 00:19:47.763 --> 00:19:49.750 for the full proposal. 00:19:49.750 --> 00:19:53.592 All full proposals must be formatted to print on 8.5x11 inch paper 00:19:53.592 --> 00:19:57.897 with one inch margins and 12 point font. 00:19:58.294 --> 00:20:01.540 PDF is the preferred format for those documents. 00:20:02.732 --> 00:20:04.785 The principal investigator’s last name should be 00:20:04.785 --> 00:20:07.832 typed at the bottom right hand corner of each page. 00:20:08.030 --> 00:20:11.607 All digital files should be named with the applicant's last name 00:20:12.137 --> 00:20:15.117 and a descriptor indicating the file content. 00:20:15.117 --> 00:20:17.303 For example, here. 00:20:17.303 --> 00:20:20.747 For each proposal, the title must be no longer than 15 words 00:20:20.747 --> 00:20:23.794 or 100 characters. 00:20:27.172 --> 00:20:27.702 So, now I'm 00:20:27.702 --> 00:20:30.682 going to talk through the review process, 00:20:31.080 --> 00:20:33.928 first with the pre-proposals. 00:20:33.928 --> 00:20:36.974 And I want to say again, the pre-proposal is a requirement 00:20:36.974 --> 00:20:39.558 in order to submit a full proposal. 00:20:39.558 --> 00:20:40.750 And the pre proposal 00:20:43.200 --> 00:20:44.128 will go through a 00:20:44.128 --> 00:20:47.241 NOAA Exploration internal evaluation panel. 00:20:47.903 --> 00:20:51.546 Every pre-proposal will be reviewed by at least three experts. 00:20:51.877 --> 00:20:54.990 And these are the following things that will be reviewed: 00:20:55.454 --> 00:21:00.554 The first one is relevant to the NOAA and NOAA Ocean Exploration mission and goals. 00:21:00.951 --> 00:21:03.600 The second evaluation criterion 00:21:03.600 --> 00:21:06.846 is the scientific and technical merit of the project. 00:21:07.442 --> 00:21:12.674 The third criteria are the qualifications and competencies 00:21:12.674 --> 00:21:15.986 of the applicants, and this includes past performance 00:21:16.979 --> 00:21:19.298 on OER or ocean exploration 00:21:19.298 --> 00:21:20.092 awards. 00:21:20.092 --> 00:21:23.470 Past performance can include things like timely publications, 00:21:23.934 --> 00:21:26.716 submission of data, etc. 00:21:26.716 --> 00:21:29.630 And the final review criteria is the cost 00:21:29.630 --> 00:21:32.942 for the overall project, including the value of cost sharing 00:21:33.737 --> 00:21:37.247 and/or in-kind contributions, as well as specific items. 00:21:38.042 --> 00:21:42.413 It also includes the strength of the NOPP partnerships for federal applicants. 00:21:43.605 --> 00:21:45.327 These are the items 00:21:45.327 --> 00:21:48.308 that the internal panel will be reviewing. 00:21:48.970 --> 00:21:52.348 So, when you write your proposal, keep this in mind. 00:21:53.739 --> 00:21:56.852 After the internal evaluation, all principal investigators 00:21:56.852 --> 00:22:00.693 will be notified whether or not we encourage or discourage 00:22:01.091 --> 00:22:04.932 the pre-proposal to go for submission of a full proposal. 00:22:05.462 --> 00:22:09.039 If a project is discouraged from submitting a full proposal, 00:22:09.370 --> 00:22:12.947 it is still up to the principal investigator and their institution 00:22:12.947 --> 00:22:15.927 if they would like to submit a full proposal. 00:22:16.590 --> 00:22:19.570 So, if you receive a discouragement, that does not limit 00:22:19.570 --> 00:22:22.551 you from submitting a full proposal. 00:22:29.704 --> 00:22:30.830 On full proposals, 00:22:30.830 --> 00:22:33.810 there's a two-stage external review process. 00:22:34.406 --> 00:22:37.652 The first stage is an email peer review process 00:22:38.778 --> 00:22:42.156 that has a minimum of three experts that review the proposal. 00:22:42.818 --> 00:22:46.659 After that, the proposals will go through a panel review, again 00:22:46.659 --> 00:22:48.382 with a minimum of three reviewers. 00:22:50.302 --> 00:22:53.150 And the panel reviewers will be different 00:22:53.150 --> 00:22:56.131 from the email reviewers. 00:22:59.111 --> 00:23:00.304 These external peer 00:23:00.304 --> 00:23:04.079 reviewers are asked to evaluate the full proposals 00:23:04.079 --> 00:23:07.457 based on the criteria listed within the notice of funding opportunity. 00:23:07.854 --> 00:23:09.974 I'm going to go through each of them now. 00:23:09.974 --> 00:23:13.881 They start on page 20 of the funding announcement. 00:23:13.948 --> 00:23:16.994 The first criteria is importance and relevance 00:23:17.061 --> 00:23:20.107 and applicability of the proposed project to NOAA and 00:23:20.174 --> 00:23:23.088 NOAA Ocean Exploration missions and priorities. 00:23:23.088 --> 00:23:26.135 It includes whether or not there is an intrinsic value 00:23:26.201 --> 00:23:29.181 in the proposed project, and if there is relevance to NOAA, 00:23:29.512 --> 00:23:33.685 federal, regional, state, tribal, or local activities. 00:23:33.818 --> 00:23:36.997 And specifically, the reviewers will evaluate the extent 00:23:36.997 --> 00:23:40.176 to which the proposed project is germane to NOAA Ocean Exploration 00:23:40.176 --> 00:23:42.296 mission goals. 00:23:42.296 --> 00:23:46.203 Whether the proposed project is exploration focused, that is focused 00:23:46.203 --> 00:23:49.383 on the potential for making discoveries versus research focus, 00:23:49.912 --> 00:23:53.555 which is a focus on increasing knowledge concerning a particular topic. 00:23:53.953 --> 00:23:54.549 And finally, 00:23:54.549 --> 00:23:58.721 whether the anticipated results could have significant downstream impact. 00:23:59.450 --> 00:24:02.563 This criteria is worth 30 percent of the total score. 00:24:05.411 --> 00:24:08.855 The second criteria are science and technical merit. 00:24:08.855 --> 00:24:11.703 Again, this is 30% of the total score. 00:24:11.703 --> 00:24:15.942 This criterion assesses whether the approach is technically sound 00:24:15.942 --> 00:24:20.711 and or innovative, if the methods are appropriate, and whether there is a clear 00:24:20.976 --> 00:24:23.691 if there are clear project goals and objectives. 00:24:23.691 --> 00:24:27.997 For this evaluation criteria, the reviewers will evaluate the extent 00:24:27.997 --> 00:24:31.772 to which the proposed approach is scientifically and technically feasible. 00:24:32.037 --> 00:24:34.686 Whether the proposed project is innovative. 00:24:34.686 --> 00:24:38.594 Whether the proposal includes clear goals and objectives. 00:24:38.859 --> 00:24:42.767 Whether the methods are commensurate with the goals and objectives. 00:24:43.164 --> 00:24:46.807 Whether the project is interdisciplinary. And whether the plans 00:24:46.807 --> 00:24:51.112 for documentation, archiving, and sharing of data and multimedia 00:24:51.576 --> 00:24:55.682 and sample collections are adequately described. 00:24:57.206 --> 00:25:00.120 The third criterion is worth 15 percent of the total 00:25:00.120 --> 00:25:03.630 and addresses the overall qualifications of the applicant. 00:25:04.624 --> 00:25:08.266 This criterion assesses whether the applicant possesses 00:25:08.266 --> 00:25:12.174 the necessary education, experience, training facilities, 00:25:12.704 --> 00:25:16.148 and administrative resources to accomplish the project. 00:25:17.076 --> 00:25:21.911 For an ocean exploration proposal 00:25:22.175 --> 00:25:25.487 reviewers will evaluate the qualifications of the applicants, 00:25:25.885 --> 00:25:31.581 including if they are, if they have proper expertise to accomplish the proposed 00:25:31.581 --> 00:25:35.223 project, and the strength, breadth, and depth of any proposed project 00:25:35.223 --> 00:25:36.482 partnerships. 00:25:36.482 --> 00:25:40.059 If the applicant has previously received NOAA Ocean Exploration 00:25:40.059 --> 00:25:44.629 funding, reviewers will also evaluate their past award performance. 00:25:45.026 --> 00:25:48.007 This can include things like timely publication of results 00:25:48.205 --> 00:25:52.577 and sharing of data. And the applicant's qualifications, independent 00:25:52.577 --> 00:25:56.021 of the applicant's career stage, will be considered under this criterion. 00:26:01.518 --> 00:26:03.638 The fourth criterion is project cost, 00:26:03.638 --> 00:26:06.618 and this is also 15 percent of the total score. 00:26:06.684 --> 00:26:10.592 This criterion assesses the proposed budget to determine 00:26:10.592 --> 00:26:14.765 if it's realistic and commensurate with the proposed project needs and timeline. 00:26:15.626 --> 00:26:19.004 The fifth and final criterion is outreach and education 00:26:19.004 --> 00:26:22.249 and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. 00:26:22.647 --> 00:26:25.097 This is worth 10 percent of the total score. 00:26:26.554 --> 00:26:29.535 It is an assessment of whether the proposed project provides 00:26:29.535 --> 00:26:34.039 a focused and effective education outreach strategy, in line with NOAA's mission 00:26:34.039 --> 00:26:39.404 to protect the nation's natural resources and if it will provide an opportunity 00:26:39.404 --> 00:26:42.649 to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups. 00:26:43.510 --> 00:26:44.967 For NOAA Ocean Exploration, 00:26:44.967 --> 00:26:48.411 the reviewers will determine the extent to which the outreach and 00:26:49.339 --> 00:26:51.789 education plan 00:26:51.789 --> 00:26:54.704 is innovative and likely to be effective. 00:26:54.704 --> 00:26:57.287 Whether the proposed project will provide opportunities 00:26:57.287 --> 00:27:00.731 to broaden participation of underrepresented groups. 00:27:01.062 --> 00:27:02.387 Whether the proposed project 00:27:02.387 --> 00:27:05.963 will provide opportunities for early career researchers and students. 00:27:06.427 --> 00:27:11.063 And whether the proposed project budget includes funding to support the outreach 00:27:11.063 --> 00:27:14.110 and education plan that will target diverse 00:27:14.110 --> 00:27:17.090 future generations of explorers. 00:27:17.355 --> 00:27:20.270 You are encouraged if you're an applicant, 00:27:20.270 --> 00:27:23.780 and if you're interested in submitting full proposal, to read through these 00:27:23.780 --> 00:27:28.615 evaluation criteria, starting on page 20 of the notice of funding opportunity, 00:27:29.277 --> 00:27:33.251 and make sure that your full proposal addresses each of these criterion. 00:27:40.670 --> 00:27:43.716 Now, I want to go through some helpful tips 00:27:43.915 --> 00:27:46.895 while you're developing your proposal. 00:27:49.081 --> 00:27:50.008 Again, 00:27:50.008 --> 00:27:53.320 just a reminder to read the entire notice of funding opportunity. 00:27:53.982 --> 00:27:56.499 Read it 2 or 3 times, or maybe 4 times. 00:27:56.499 --> 00:27:58.751 There's lots of great information 00:27:58.751 --> 00:28:01.732 and details on how to complete the proposal 00:28:02.063 --> 00:28:05.375 in the notice of funding opportunity, as well as on our website: 00:28:05.375 --> 00:28:08.355 oceanexplorer.noaa.gov 00:28:08.686 --> 00:28:12.462 Read through the basis for our ocean exploration 00:28:12.462 --> 00:28:15.508 strategic plan for our priorities and make sure 00:28:16.568 --> 00:28:19.549 your proposal addresses these. 00:28:19.549 --> 00:28:24.119 Also, the national ocean mapping, exploration, and characterization 00:28:24.119 --> 00:28:28.755 strategy and implementation plan, as well as the exploration variable 00:28:28.821 --> 00:28:32.795 report provide helpful information. And again, almost 00:28:32.861 --> 00:28:36.173 all these documents are linked within the notice of funding opportunity 00:28:36.968 --> 00:28:40.545 as well as in our frequently asked questions document. 00:28:41.538 --> 00:28:42.465 On the cover sheet, 00:28:42.465 --> 00:28:46.439 make sure to fill in all the fields thoroughly and accurately. 00:28:47.234 --> 00:28:50.347 Make sure the cover sheet matches everything that's included 00:28:50.347 --> 00:28:53.328 in both the pre-proposal and full proposal text. 00:28:54.189 --> 00:28:57.567 I also encourage all applicants to look through the list of past grant 00:28:57.765 --> 00:29:01.276 funding recipients on our website, listed here. 00:29:02.733 --> 00:29:04.521 This goes back to 2014. 00:29:04.521 --> 00:29:07.634 And, you can see all the projects we have funded since then. 00:29:08.098 --> 00:29:12.005 You can see what types of projects we have funded and check to ensure 00:29:12.005 --> 00:29:15.185 that your proposal doesn't duplicate a past-funded project. 00:29:15.913 --> 00:29:18.894 I also encourage you to reach out if you have any questions. 00:29:18.894 --> 00:29:21.940 Again, our email is listed here, and it’s 00:29:22.603 --> 00:29:26.312 oer.nofo2025@noaa.gov. 00:29:34.326 --> 00:29:35.651 Tips on data management. 00:29:38.433 --> 00:29:41.413 In this section, 00:29:44.394 --> 00:29:46.844 which is within your data and information 00:29:46.844 --> 00:29:51.083 sharing plan, which is a two-page required document for the proposal. 00:29:51.216 --> 00:29:56.051 Again, all data must be discoverable and accessible to the public. 00:29:56.514 --> 00:30:01.548 This means that data must be archive ready, 00:30:01.614 --> 00:30:06.251 machine readable, open source, and in nonproprietary formats. 00:30:06.714 --> 00:30:09.297 All data must be submitted to the National Centers 00:30:09.297 --> 00:30:12.278 for Environmental Information, if applicable. 00:30:12.476 --> 00:30:16.119 All data must be made available free of charge or at a 00:30:16.119 --> 00:30:22.147 cost of reproduction. Data is due to the National Centers for Environmental 00:30:22.147 --> 00:30:27.048 Information at one of these points, whichever is the earliest: 00:30:27.975 --> 00:30:30.956 At the publication of a manuscript based on the data 00:30:32.214 --> 00:30:35.459 two years from the time the data was collected. 00:30:36.453 --> 00:30:40.626 If there was not a publication, or two years from the end 00:30:42.414 --> 00:30:45.394 of the award period. 00:30:45.924 --> 00:30:48.640 So, whichever of these comes first is the deadline 00:30:48.640 --> 00:30:51.620 for data submission. 00:30:56.654 --> 00:30:59.833 These are tips for your education and outreach and diversity 00:31:00.231 --> 00:31:02.085 and inclusion section. 00:31:04.867 --> 00:31:08.907 It's a requirement to work with NOAA Ocean Exploration on web communications. 00:31:09.371 --> 00:31:12.351 But that's not enough for your outreach and education plan. 00:31:12.881 --> 00:31:16.061 You can include other things as part of your education 00:31:16.061 --> 00:31:19.107 and outreach plan to make it more robust. 00:31:19.107 --> 00:31:21.690 We've seen a lot of different activities 00:31:21.690 --> 00:31:24.141 take place in the past 00:31:24.141 --> 00:31:27.055 on projects ranging from hosting webinars, ship 00:31:27.055 --> 00:31:30.102 to shore interactions, and to hosting workshops. 00:31:30.168 --> 00:31:34.275 Again, I'd like to encourage you to look at the evaluation criteria 00:31:34.275 --> 00:31:38.116 for the education and outreach and keep in mind that you want to include 00:31:38.116 --> 00:31:41.825 funding support for these items as part of your project budget. 00:31:42.289 --> 00:31:45.534 You also want to describe how the proposed activity broadens 00:31:45.534 --> 00:31:48.714 the participation of underrepresented groups. 00:31:50.171 --> 00:31:51.694 Consider diversity, 00:31:51.694 --> 00:31:54.675 equity, and inclusion in team composition, 00:31:55.138 --> 00:31:58.317 team management, team leadership, and in decision making, 00:31:58.980 --> 00:32:02.291 in focus areas and in partnerships, and how the outcomes 00:32:02.291 --> 00:32:05.603 of these considerations are reflected in the proposed project. 00:32:06.795 --> 00:32:10.173 Where possible, the statement should also include goals 00:32:10.173 --> 00:32:13.617 and metrics for assessing and adjusting outreach and education 00:32:14.015 --> 00:32:16.995 and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility 00:32:16.995 --> 00:32:19.976 efforts. 00:32:23.685 --> 00:32:25.539 There are also tips on 00:32:25.539 --> 00:32:28.917 budget tables and budget justification. 00:32:29.580 --> 00:32:32.693 Again, I'll point you to our website because it has details 00:32:32.693 --> 00:32:35.806 about what you should include in these sections. 00:32:36.799 --> 00:32:41.303 Make sure as you're putting those budget tables 00:32:41.303 --> 00:32:44.350 and justifications together, that you provide details 00:32:44.482 --> 00:32:47.396 for the basis of why you have those estimates. 00:32:47.396 --> 00:32:50.443 For example, if you have traveled to 00:32:50.907 --> 00:32:52.695 and from conferences or fieldwork, 00:32:52.695 --> 00:32:56.735 make sure to include airfare cost and cost comparisons. 00:32:57.994 --> 00:32:58.259 You can 00:32:58.259 --> 00:33:01.305 use the GSA rates for approved estimates, 00:33:01.372 --> 00:33:05.412 but if you're using anything outside of that, you'll want to make sure 00:33:05.412 --> 00:33:09.585 you provide the details as to why you chose those rates 00:33:10.114 --> 00:33:13.095 in your budget numbers. 00:33:14.552 --> 00:33:18.261 If a request for funding is for two years, the narrative must be divided 00:33:18.261 --> 00:33:23.096 into year one and two, with each year displayed in two different sections 00:33:23.096 --> 00:33:26.209 clearly identified as year one and two, 00:33:27.070 --> 00:33:30.713 with a summary budget table at the top of the narrative displaying 00:33:30.713 --> 00:33:34.952 both years by project, by object class, and total column. 00:33:35.614 --> 00:33:38.595 Object class are shown 00:33:38.794 --> 00:33:41.045 on the SF-424 form 00:33:41.045 --> 00:33:44.026 and on page two of the cover sheet. 00:33:44.821 --> 00:33:47.801 Finally, 00:33:48.596 --> 00:33:51.113 make sure you check all your materials, 00:33:51.113 --> 00:33:54.888 including the cover sheet, executive summary, and budget narratives, 00:33:55.286 --> 00:33:57.869 and all of the OMB forms to ensure that 00:33:57.869 --> 00:34:00.915 all of the numbers are consistent. 00:34:01.180 --> 00:34:04.691 We've seen many proposals where the budget numbers 00:34:04.691 --> 00:34:07.870 in those various sections come in different amounts, so make sure 00:34:08.930 --> 00:34:11.976 all these amounts match and are correct. 00:34:14.427 --> 00:34:17.408 And so that's my final tip 00:34:17.540 --> 00:34:19.461 and final slide for this presentation. 00:34:19.461 --> 00:34:23.965 And at this time, we’re going to answer your questions. 00:34:31.780 --> 00:34:32.111 All right. 00:34:32.111 --> 00:34:33.569 Thanks, Frank. 00:34:33.569 --> 00:34:37.145 Our first question is in regard to maritime heritage proposals. 00:34:37.609 --> 00:34:41.185 It reads: are proposals focused on gathering and synthesizing 00:34:41.185 --> 00:34:44.232 Indigenous knowledge of maritime heritage acceptable? 00:34:46.285 --> 00:34:49.332 Could you repeat the question, please? 00:34:50.458 --> 00:34:52.114 Yes, for maritime 00:34:52.114 --> 00:34:56.287 heritage proposals, are proposals focused on gathering 00:34:56.287 --> 00:34:59.400 and synthesizing Indigenous knowledge of maritime 00:34:59.400 --> 00:35:02.380 heritage acceptable? 00:35:06.751 --> 00:35:09.335 I want to call on another participant here. 00:35:09.335 --> 00:35:12.315 Phil Hartmeyer. 00:35:16.620 --> 00:35:19.601 That's a good question. 00:35:20.197 --> 00:35:23.177 I think it's probably best to follow up, 00:35:26.555 --> 00:35:29.138 so we can get a better understanding 00:35:29.138 --> 00:35:32.119 of what the details are. 00:35:38.742 --> 00:35:40.332 Thanks, Phil. 00:35:40.332 --> 00:35:43.312 Nina, can you... 00:35:44.173 --> 00:35:46.359 Frank, I don't know if everyone was able to hear that. 00:35:52.188 --> 00:35:52.717 Try this again. 00:35:52.717 --> 00:35:55.698 Ashley, can you, can you hear me? 00:35:56.890 --> 00:35:59.871 It's pretty faint. 00:36:01.527 --> 00:36:02.851 Right. yes. 00:36:02.851 --> 00:36:03.646 Let's go back to it. 00:36:03.646 --> 00:36:06.693 Let me change my settings. We can hear you now. 00:36:07.024 --> 00:36:08.680 Better. Okay. 00:36:08.680 --> 00:36:12.058 Regarding the first question, I think we 00:36:12.389 --> 00:36:16.032 take it offline, over email, so we can better understand 00:36:16.032 --> 00:36:19.873 some details about the project nature of the question. 00:36:19.939 --> 00:36:21.794 Sounds like, sounds like the best call. 00:36:21.794 --> 00:36:24.774 Thanks. 00:36:25.503 --> 00:36:25.768 Thank you, Phil. 00:36:28.616 --> 00:36:29.874 Yes. Thanks, Phil. 00:36:29.874 --> 00:36:33.252 Our next question is: Will the presentation slides be available later? 00:36:35.173 --> 00:36:39.147 The presentation recording will be available and posted on the website 00:36:39.147 --> 00:36:42.194 probably within the week, along with the transcript 00:36:42.591 --> 00:36:45.638 of the presentation. 00:36:48.354 --> 00:36:48.817 All right. 00:36:48.817 --> 00:36:50.208 Thanks, Frank. 00:36:50.208 --> 00:36:53.983 The next one reads, my collaborative team would like to submit a proposal 00:36:53.983 --> 00:36:57.494 that could count as both ocean exploration and maritime heritage 00:36:57.957 --> 00:37:00.540 for the data collection could support both. 00:37:00.540 --> 00:37:01.865 Is this advantageous? 00:37:01.865 --> 00:37:06.038 Or should the team choose one and work to narrow our proposal to fit more narrowly? 00:37:11.270 --> 00:37:14.251 Can you repeat the question, Nina? 00:37:15.178 --> 00:37:17.099 Yes. Sorry. 00:37:17.099 --> 00:37:20.079 My collaborative team 00:37:21.139 --> 00:37:23.590 would like to submit a proposal that could count 00:37:23.590 --> 00:37:27.034 as both ocean exploration and maritime heritage themes 00:37:27.497 --> 00:37:30.478 for the data collection could support both of those themes. 00:37:30.875 --> 00:37:32.399 Is this advantageous? 00:37:32.399 --> 00:37:35.644 Or should the team choose one theme and work to narrow 00:37:35.644 --> 00:37:38.625 our proposal to fit more narrowly? 00:37:38.823 --> 00:37:40.678 Okay. Thank you, Nina. 00:37:40.678 --> 00:37:43.062 It's a requirement that on the 00:37:43.062 --> 00:37:47.566 cover sheet, you select only one topic or theme area. 00:37:47.566 --> 00:37:51.275 So, you will have to choose between the two. 00:37:53.395 --> 00:37:56.177 You can talk about 00:37:56.177 --> 00:37:59.157 the other theme in the proposal, 00:37:59.819 --> 00:38:02.866 but you must choose between one theme 00:38:02.866 --> 00:38:05.913 or the other. 00:38:09.688 --> 00:38:10.086 Okay. 00:38:10.086 --> 00:38:11.808 Thank you. 00:38:11.808 --> 00:38:12.669 The next question 00:38:12.669 --> 00:38:16.709 is: Is there guidance on how to reconcile the requirement for data 00:38:16.709 --> 00:38:22.074 being made available to the public versus heritage data from tribal, government, 00:38:22.074 --> 00:38:26.710 or organizational partners that would wish to limit certain data access? 00:38:36.446 --> 00:38:37.639 I was going to ask if 00:38:37.639 --> 00:38:41.017 Anna could join us for this data question. 00:38:41.679 --> 00:38:44.063 Sure, 00:38:44.063 --> 00:38:47.110 and I'll probably have Phil jump in here afterwards. 00:38:47.441 --> 00:38:50.819 But within the data and information sharing plan, if you anticipate 00:38:50.819 --> 00:38:55.787 collecting data that would be restricted from public access for a certain reason, 00:38:56.250 --> 00:38:59.429 we ask that you include that in the data and information sharing plan. 00:38:59.893 --> 00:39:03.867 and stipulate the reasoning why you would be restricting data access. 00:39:04.397 --> 00:39:07.510 And then Phil, I'm not sure if you have any more of the specific guidance 00:39:08.040 --> 00:39:12.279 that could be required or could be provided from NOAA Ocean Exploration. 00:39:13.736 --> 00:39:15.723 Thanks, Anna. And, yes, 00:39:15.723 --> 00:39:20.160 You know, it's something front of mind, for this particular, data type. 00:39:20.160 --> 00:39:23.472 And, you know, we're also consulting with NOAA’s tribal 00:39:23.472 --> 00:39:26.453 team, the communities, 00:39:26.718 --> 00:39:31.155 through consultation with the PI to figure out data sensitivity concerns, 00:39:32.347 --> 00:39:35.328 a project that would include indigenous knowledge, 00:39:35.792 --> 00:39:38.308 before fieldwork or data acquisition begins. 00:39:38.308 --> 00:39:41.355 Thanks. 00:39:43.210 --> 00:39:43.740 Okay. 00:39:43.740 --> 00:39:45.793 Thanks. Phil and Anna. 00:39:45.793 --> 00:39:48.177 The next question is. Thank you, Frank. 00:39:48.177 --> 00:39:51.621 Can one researcher be involved in multiple pre-proposals 00:39:51.621 --> 00:39:54.668 or full proposals if not the lead in either. 00:39:58.510 --> 00:40:00.232 Yes. Yes. 00:40:00.232 --> 00:40:02.550 They can. 00:40:02.550 --> 00:40:05.530 But consider also 00:40:05.729 --> 00:40:08.908 the requirement to talk about 00:40:09.703 --> 00:40:12.684 or submit information on funding commitments already 00:40:14.406 --> 00:40:17.187 that the PI is already involved in 00:40:17.187 --> 00:40:20.234 as part of the full proposal process. 00:40:24.473 --> 00:40:24.871 Okay. 00:40:25.665 --> 00:40:29.904 Piggybacking off of that question, is the next one, and it's: Can one person 00:40:29.904 --> 00:40:32.024 submit multiple proposals? 00:40:32.024 --> 00:40:34.607 Are collaborative proposals, such as those supported 00:40:34.607 --> 00:40:37.654 by NSF possible? 00:40:39.243 --> 00:40:42.091 Collaboration is always encouraged. 00:40:42.091 --> 00:40:45.072 And, yes, 00:40:45.270 --> 00:40:48.251 a person can submit more than one proposal. 00:40:54.742 --> 00:40:55.603 Right. 00:40:55.603 --> 00:40:59.643 The next question is, are proposals to conduct exploratory deep sea 00:40:59.643 --> 00:41:03.617 research in the Federated States of Micronesia acceptable or will 00:41:03.816 --> 00:41:05.273 this be too far away? 00:41:08.320 --> 00:41:10.704 There are no restrictions 00:41:10.704 --> 00:41:13.751 on where projects can take place. 00:41:15.738 --> 00:41:17.460 So, as in past years, 00:41:17.460 --> 00:41:20.440 the past few years, projects have been restricted to 00:41:21.765 --> 00:41:23.951 U.S. waters, 00:41:23.951 --> 00:41:27.064 but this year there is 00:41:27.329 --> 00:41:29.845 no restriction on where projects can take place. 00:41:29.845 --> 00:41:31.435 So yes, 00:41:31.435 --> 00:41:34.482 a proposal could include Micronesia. 00:41:38.522 --> 00:41:39.383 Okay. 00:41:39.383 --> 00:41:42.165 For ocean exploration proposals, 00:41:42.165 --> 00:41:45.940 how are requests for ROV time and ship time handled? 00:41:46.404 --> 00:41:49.848 Are these included separately in the budget or as line items 00:41:49.848 --> 00:41:52.828 in the regular budget form? 00:41:56.405 --> 00:41:59.319 They are an expense within 00:41:59.319 --> 00:42:03.028 the budget, and they must be included in the budget. 00:42:03.028 --> 00:42:06.075 Both ship time and ROV time. 00:42:15.017 --> 00:42:16.143 Okay. 00:42:16.143 --> 00:42:18.461 Thank you. 00:42:18.461 --> 00:42:22.898 Can you explain more about the exception for tropical mesophotic environments? 00:42:22.898 --> 00:42:25.879 Is there a specific focus? 00:42:26.872 --> 00:42:29.919 For the tropical mesophotic environment, 00:42:31.376 --> 00:42:34.423 that is an exception to the 200 meter 00:42:34.953 --> 00:42:38.331 minimum depth limit for the ocean exploration 00:42:39.391 --> 00:42:41.179 proposal. 00:42:41.179 --> 00:42:43.894 So, if a proposal is for work in the tropical 00:42:43.894 --> 00:42:46.875 mesophotic environment, 00:42:48.067 --> 00:42:50.253 it is eligible 00:42:50.253 --> 00:42:52.306 as a proposal topic 00:42:52.306 --> 00:42:55.287 in our funding announcement. 00:43:02.705 --> 00:43:03.632 I'll follow up with that. 00:43:03.632 --> 00:43:06.612 It can be less than 200 meters. 00:43:11.514 --> 00:43:12.309 Great. 00:43:12.309 --> 00:43:14.031 Thanks, Frank. 00:43:14.031 --> 00:43:18.733 For a research topic such as volcano- caused tsunamis, the realm of data 00:43:18.733 --> 00:43:22.840 required will extend from shallow water/ maritime heritage focus 00:43:22.840 --> 00:43:26.284 and exploration in water that's greater than 200 meters, 00:43:27.012 --> 00:43:29.927 is it possible to submit that type of proposal 00:43:29.927 --> 00:43:32.907 to those categories? 00:43:32.973 --> 00:43:35.954 I have to ask you to ask that question again. 00:43:37.080 --> 00:43:39.398 That's fine. I'll go. Sorry. 00:43:39.398 --> 00:43:41.253 For a research topic such 00:43:41.253 --> 00:43:44.233 as volcano-caused tsunamis, 00:43:44.299 --> 00:43:47.810 where the realm of data required will extend from shallow water/ 00:43:48.075 --> 00:43:53.307 maritime heritage focus and exploration in waters 00:43:53.307 --> 00:43:55.691 that's greater than 200 meters, 00:43:55.691 --> 00:43:59.136 is it possible to submit the proposal to those categories? 00:44:04.832 --> 00:44:07.812 Well, you would have to submit a pre-proposal. 00:44:09.004 --> 00:44:11.985 If it's in shallower waters and 200 meters, it 00:44:13.111 --> 00:44:16.754 would have to be a proposal either in maritime heritage or 00:44:17.946 --> 00:44:20.264 tropical mesophotic 00:44:20.264 --> 00:44:23.245 environment. 00:44:23.377 --> 00:44:27.219 So, that might require some further conversation 00:44:27.219 --> 00:44:30.199 by email or phone to further understand 00:44:32.054 --> 00:44:33.643 more about the project idea. 00:44:33.643 --> 00:44:36.690 And, I would encourage that person to to contact us. 00:44:41.194 --> 00:44:41.459 Great. 00:44:41.459 --> 00:44:44.770 Thank you. For the eDNA component, 00:44:44.770 --> 00:44:47.552 are organisms needed for this or just water/ 00:44:47.552 --> 00:44:50.533 sediment samples? 00:44:50.798 --> 00:44:53.778 Sorry, Nina, can you repeat that again? 00:44:53.778 --> 00:44:55.037 Yeah. 00:44:55.037 --> 00:44:59.143 For the eDNA component, are organisms needed for this 00:44:59.342 --> 00:45:02.322 or just water/sediment samples? 00:45:07.621 --> 00:45:10.601 That is a science question. 00:45:14.178 --> 00:45:17.159 I think it can be any of that. 00:45:23.053 --> 00:45:23.848 But again, 00:45:23.848 --> 00:45:26.961 maybe that's a question for further conversation. 00:45:26.961 --> 00:45:30.074 If that person wants to contact us. 00:45:36.962 --> 00:45:37.492 Okay. 00:45:37.492 --> 00:45:41.267 And our last question is: Can the use of the Okeanos 00:45:41.267 --> 00:45:44.248 Explorer be proposed? 00:45:45.374 --> 00:45:47.295 The Okeanos Explorer 00:45:47.295 --> 00:45:50.673 is not part of this funding opportunity. 00:45:50.673 --> 00:45:51.202 Time on the 00:45:51.202 --> 00:45:54.249 Okeanos Explorer is not available through 00:45:54.249 --> 00:45:57.230 this funding opportunity. 00:46:01.535 --> 00:46:01.932 Okay. 00:46:01.932 --> 00:46:03.058 Thanks, Frank. 00:46:03.058 --> 00:46:07.297 Right now, all the answers, all the questions have been answered 00:46:07.297 --> 00:46:10.079 in the chat. 00:46:12.331 --> 00:46:15.311 I can send it back over to you to close out the webinar. 00:46:15.908 --> 00:46:16.106 Okay. 00:46:16.106 --> 00:46:18.954 I'm going to hang on for a few minutes. 00:46:18.954 --> 00:46:21.935 Maybe a couple more minutes in case anybody else 00:46:22.465 --> 00:46:25.511 has more questions. 00:46:44.388 --> 00:46:47.832 Frank, I wanted to clarify one of the questions that was asked earlier. 00:46:49.024 --> 00:46:52.932 For the question that is asking about researchers 00:46:53.528 --> 00:46:56.509 studying volcanoes caused by tsunamis, 00:46:56.906 --> 00:47:00.615 that focus on both shallow water and maritime heritage focus, 00:47:01.211 --> 00:47:03.927 within the ocean exploration topic, they ask, 00:47:03.927 --> 00:47:07.636 is it possible to submit the pre-proposal to both categories? 00:47:08.497 --> 00:47:13.464 So, I think if you're able to speak to it, we will allow proposals to be submitted 00:47:14.657 --> 00:47:16.842 for both 00:47:16.842 --> 00:47:21.280 categories, I figured they're asking if the same proposal 00:47:21.280 --> 00:47:24.790 could be submitted to two separate categories. 00:47:27.903 --> 00:47:30.884 I see. 00:47:31.215 --> 00:47:32.473 I think it could be submitted 00:47:32.473 --> 00:47:36.911 to two separate categories. 00:47:48.171 --> 00:47:48.436 All right. 00:47:48.436 --> 00:47:51.482 Frank, we had another question comes through. 00:47:52.542 --> 00:47:55.059 Annette said: Would further analysis 00:47:55.059 --> 00:47:58.238 of previously supported NOAA collections be supported? 00:48:00.093 --> 00:48:03.073 Further analysis of what? I didn't quite get that Nina. 00:48:04.067 --> 00:48:07.246 Would further analysis of previously supported 00:48:07.246 --> 00:48:10.226 NOAA collections be supported? 00:48:11.816 --> 00:48:14.796 Yes. As part of the ocean exploration 00:48:15.393 --> 00:48:18.373 topic, that would be supported. 00:48:23.407 --> 00:48:25.526 The next question is: What happens 00:48:25.526 --> 00:48:29.037 if a PI or a co-PI changes location and job, 00:48:30.096 --> 00:48:32.878 such as a postdoc to professor, changing states 00:48:32.878 --> 00:48:35.925 between the pre-proposal to full proposal phase? 00:48:40.628 --> 00:48:43.211 We can accommodate that, 00:48:43.211 --> 00:48:45.463 but they will have to contact us 00:48:46.986 --> 00:48:47.648 for 00:48:47.648 --> 00:48:50.629 clarification and to let us know what has happened. 00:48:51.755 --> 00:48:54.603 And they will also have to 00:48:54.603 --> 00:48:56.590 make sure that 00:48:56.590 --> 00:48:59.636 the new university 00:48:59.703 --> 00:49:02.683 is aware of the project and involved in 00:49:03.014 --> 00:49:05.995 in the proposal process, as they normally would be. 00:49:06.657 --> 00:49:09.638 This would be before any award would take place. 00:49:10.433 --> 00:49:13.479 So, it wouldn't involve any 00:49:15.069 --> 00:49:18.049 sort of funding matters, but 00:49:18.778 --> 00:49:22.752 moving between institutions would not disqualify 00:49:22.752 --> 00:49:25.799 somebody from submitting an application 00:49:26.858 --> 00:49:29.839 during the process. 00:49:32.952 --> 00:49:34.012 Okay. 00:49:34.012 --> 00:49:34.873 Great. 00:49:34.873 --> 00:49:37.919 The next question is: Can salary be covered? 00:49:39.774 --> 00:49:40.569 I'm sorry. 00:49:40.569 --> 00:49:43.086 Say that again. 00:49:43.086 --> 00:49:45.735 Can salary be covered? 00:49:45.735 --> 00:49:46.331 Salary? Yes. 00:49:46.331 --> 00:49:49.510 Salary and benefits can be part covered 00:49:49.510 --> 00:49:52.557 as part of this. 00:49:54.610 --> 00:49:56.465 But federal salary 00:49:56.465 --> 00:49:59.975 cannot be covered for federal employees. 00:50:03.750 --> 00:50:06.267 But for people outside the federal government, 00:50:06.267 --> 00:50:10.109 we can cover salary and benefits. 00:50:18.454 --> 00:50:19.713 Thank you. 00:50:19.713 --> 00:50:22.296 We'll hang on to see if any more questions 00:50:22.296 --> 00:50:25.276 come through. 00:50:28.985 --> 00:50:30.244 I spoke too soon. 00:50:30.244 --> 00:50:30.641 Okay. 00:50:30.641 --> 00:50:33.622 Does this call include instrument development? 00:50:37.331 --> 00:50:39.848 Please repeat that. 00:50:39.848 --> 00:50:41.570 Does this call include 00:50:41.570 --> 00:50:44.616 instrument development? 00:50:45.477 --> 00:50:47.862 It can include instrument development 00:50:47.862 --> 00:50:51.770 if it is part of an ocean exploration proposal. 00:50:51.770 --> 00:50:56.406 We are not funding technology development this year, but we would support 00:50:57.664 --> 00:51:00.844 technology as part of an ocean exploration 00:51:01.307 --> 00:51:04.288 proposal. 00:51:05.811 --> 00:51:08.262 Just not outside. 00:51:08.262 --> 00:51:12.103 We would not support a standalone 00:51:12.103 --> 00:51:15.084 technology development proposal. 00:51:18.992 --> 00:51:19.389 All right. 00:51:19.389 --> 00:51:21.177 Thank you for clarifying. 00:51:21.177 --> 00:51:24.820 The next question is: Can small businesses be part of the proposal? 00:51:26.410 --> 00:51:27.668 Yes, absolutely. 00:51:27.668 --> 00:51:31.775 We would welcome small businesses to apply for our grant program. 00:51:35.550 --> 00:51:36.212 Okay. 00:51:36.212 --> 00:51:37.934 That’s great. 00:51:37.934 --> 00:51:40.584 Are there limitations to who can serve as a 00:51:40.584 --> 00:51:43.763 PI in terms of education or position title? 00:51:47.538 --> 00:51:50.585 The qualifications for a PI 00:51:51.645 --> 00:51:54.824 are part of the review criteria in that a 00:51:55.023 --> 00:51:58.003 PI must be qualified to carry out the work, 00:51:58.798 --> 00:52:01.712 with 00:52:01.712 --> 00:52:02.639 experience, 00:52:02.639 --> 00:52:05.686 background of experience and training. 00:52:06.481 --> 00:52:09.461 A title doesn't necessarily matter, but 00:52:10.720 --> 00:52:13.369 the qualifications of the person 00:52:13.369 --> 00:52:16.350 based on their experience, which is usually 00:52:17.277 --> 00:52:21.847 provided through a CV or resume will be evaluated 00:52:21.913 --> 00:52:24.894 to make sure that a PI is qualified 00:52:24.894 --> 00:52:27.874 to carry out the work. 00:52:33.703 --> 00:52:34.100 Okay. 00:52:34.100 --> 00:52:38.074 So, following up on the instrument development and technology 00:52:38.074 --> 00:52:43.174 development question earlier, it says so the application of a new technology 00:52:43.174 --> 00:52:46.751 like an eDNA auto sampler in new habitats, 00:52:46.751 --> 00:52:49.798 would that be supported? 00:52:54.434 --> 00:52:57.481 Standby for one second. 00:53:07.283 --> 00:53:10.462 Advancing ocean exploration through the use and development 00:53:10.462 --> 00:53:13.840 of novel technologies as part of the 00:53:16.755 --> 00:53:18.410 ocean exploration 00:53:18.410 --> 00:53:19.603 topic. 00:53:19.603 --> 00:53:22.583 So, 00:53:23.179 --> 00:53:26.160 we would 00:53:26.491 --> 00:53:28.412 potentially support 00:53:28.412 --> 00:53:32.651 project technology development that was part of an ocean exploration 00:53:33.975 --> 00:53:36.956 proposal. 00:53:44.308 --> 00:53:44.705 Okay. 00:53:44.705 --> 00:53:46.692 Thank you. 00:53:46.692 --> 00:53:50.070 For a small business or a not for profit organization, 00:53:50.070 --> 00:53:54.110 should we select one person to serve as point person for communicate? 00:53:54.971 --> 00:53:55.302 Sorry. 00:53:55.302 --> 00:53:58.283 For communications with NOAA. 00:53:59.608 --> 00:54:01.992 Yes. That would be the ideal way to do it. 00:54:01.992 --> 00:54:04.972 To have a single point person, 00:54:05.502 --> 00:54:06.893 that we contact. 00:54:06.893 --> 00:54:09.940 And, that person would 00:54:10.072 --> 00:54:12.589 relay any information 00:54:12.589 --> 00:54:15.570 or any other things that we might need from a larger group 00:54:15.570 --> 00:54:18.550 that is part of the proposed project. 00:54:24.445 --> 00:54:24.776 Great. 00:54:24.776 --> 00:54:27.028 Thank you. 00:54:27.028 --> 00:54:29.876 We'll still hang on for a bit for a few more questions. 00:54:29.876 --> 00:54:31.466 If they come through. 00:54:31.466 --> 00:54:33.916 Okay. I also wanted to follow up on that. 00:54:33.916 --> 00:54:38.023 Normally, the main contact would be the principal investigator 00:54:39.679 --> 00:54:40.209 on the 00:54:40.209 --> 00:54:43.189 cover sheet and identified in the proposal. 00:54:43.520 --> 00:54:46.567 That person is usually the main contact 00:54:47.892 --> 00:54:49.614 with us 00:54:49.614 --> 00:54:52.594 for the proposal process. 00:54:59.814 --> 00:55:00.675 Okay. 00:55:00.675 --> 00:55:03.920 Can I get more clarification as to what are/ 00:55:04.053 --> 00:55:07.166 where are tropical mesophotic environments? 00:55:08.623 --> 00:55:09.550 What's that about 00:55:09.550 --> 00:55:12.531 the location of tropical mesophotic environments? 00:55:13.060 --> 00:55:16.107 Yes. It says what they are and where they are. 00:55:21.008 --> 00:55:22.797 Well, 00:55:22.797 --> 00:55:26.440 I think I'm going to look to some of our staff 00:55:26.440 --> 00:55:29.751 on the call for location and what they are. 00:55:30.745 --> 00:55:33.791 We’re calling on our expertise within the office. 00:55:33.791 --> 00:55:36.838 That's one thing Ashley, you wanted to handle. 00:55:37.567 --> 00:55:39.421 Yeah. Frank, I can take this one. 00:55:39.421 --> 00:55:43.991 So, as far as location goes, there isn't any geographic restriction, 00:55:43.991 --> 00:55:48.363 and we do not have any depth limitations as far as a minimum 00:55:49.621 --> 00:55:52.271 shallow depth or maximum. 00:55:52.271 --> 00:55:57.304 So, really it is a tropical environment mesophotic reef. 00:55:57.371 --> 00:56:00.550 So, if you can justify that your location 00:56:01.013 --> 00:56:04.722 sits within those boundaries, then there is no other restrictions. 00:56:08.630 --> 00:56:08.895 Thanks, Ashley. 00:56:13.664 --> 00:56:14.128 Okay. 00:56:14.128 --> 00:56:15.982 Thanks. Ashley and Frank. 00:56:15.982 --> 00:56:20.618 Can proposals include co-PIs at international institutions? 00:56:21.148 --> 00:56:24.063 And are there funding restrictions for those or listed 00:56:24.063 --> 00:56:27.043 collaborators? 00:56:32.607 --> 00:56:33.865 That's an interesting question. 00:56:33.865 --> 00:56:36.846 I know we address it in our... 00:56:36.978 --> 00:56:39.959 Frank, I can take this one if you’d like. 00:56:40.820 --> 00:56:42.475 So, as far as co-PIs, 00:56:42.475 --> 00:56:46.913 so, we will allow international institutions to be supported 00:56:46.913 --> 00:56:49.231 as a subawardee. 00:56:49.231 --> 00:56:52.874 However, they cannot, international institutions 00:56:52.874 --> 00:56:56.053 cannot serve as a PI or a co-PI. 00:56:56.053 --> 00:56:57.510 So, they would have to go down 00:56:57.510 --> 00:57:01.749 as a significant participant and be listed in a budget under subawardee 00:57:01.882 --> 00:57:04.862 instead. 00:57:11.618 --> 00:57:12.479 All right. 00:57:12.479 --> 00:57:15.460 Thanks, Ashley. 00:57:16.321 --> 00:57:17.844 Those are all the questions at the moment. 00:57:17.844 --> 00:57:18.175 Frank. 00:57:19.699 --> 00:57:20.030 Thank you. 00:57:20.030 --> 00:57:23.010 Nina. 00:57:28.110 --> 00:57:29.038 I think we'll stay here 00:57:29.038 --> 00:57:32.084 until the top of the hour for 4 p.m. 00:57:36.588 --> 00:57:37.383 Okay. 00:57:37.383 --> 00:57:38.045 Are U.S. 00:57:38.045 --> 00:57:41.026 territories considered international? 00:57:44.867 --> 00:57:47.715 No, they wouldn't be considered international. 00:57:47.715 --> 00:57:50.762 They would, 00:57:51.027 --> 00:57:53.345 They would, fall under what would areas 00:57:53.345 --> 00:57:56.922 that could be considered in for for this funding announcement? 00:57:57.849 --> 00:58:00.830 There are no geographic limitations. 00:58:10.301 --> 00:58:11.228 Just to follow up, 00:58:11.228 --> 00:58:14.209 an organization that is registered in the U.S. 00:58:14.209 --> 00:58:17.255 (501c3), but works outside 00:58:17.255 --> 00:58:24.409 the U.S. can be a PI? 00:58:25.800 --> 00:58:28.780 Yes. They can submit PI from those organizations. 00:58:33.946 --> 00:58:36.993 Thank you. 00:59:21.899 --> 00:59:23.290 Okay. 00:59:23.290 --> 00:59:25.343 Just had another question come in, 00:59:25.343 --> 00:59:29.384 and it says: Can I get some clarification as to 00:59:29.384 --> 00:59:33.358 how do the thematic priorities relate to the main 00:59:33.358 --> 00:59:36.404 two themes? 00:59:37.928 --> 00:59:38.921 Please repeat that again. 00:59:38.921 --> 00:59:41.504 You know. 00:59:41.504 --> 00:59:43.293 Can I get some clarification 00:59:43.293 --> 00:59:47.730 as to how the thematic priorities relate to the two main themes? 00:59:59.983 --> 01:00:01.242 I think I need a little bit 01:00:01.242 --> 01:00:04.819 more clarification if that person is still on the line. 01:00:05.348 --> 01:00:07.600 Unless 01:00:07.600 --> 01:00:09.256 Ashley or someone else in our group 01:00:09.256 --> 01:00:12.237 would care to answer that one. 01:00:15.615 --> 01:00:17.535 Yeah, I think the question is... 01:00:17.535 --> 01:00:23.430 So, we have our main themes, and then we have priorities within those themes. 01:00:23.695 --> 01:00:27.735 So the two main themes that we have are ocean exploration 01:00:27.735 --> 01:00:32.703 and maritime heritage, both have some specific priorities that 01:00:33.431 --> 01:00:36.544 we have listed under them that Frank went over during this webinar. 01:00:37.472 --> 01:00:42.042 We are specifically highlighting those as proposals we would like to see. 01:00:42.307 --> 01:00:44.691 So, it does not mean that the proposals 01:00:44.691 --> 01:00:48.599 we will consider must fall within those veins. 01:00:48.599 --> 01:00:53.103 It is, however, saying that those are priorities for our office, 01:00:53.500 --> 01:00:56.348 which does get taken into consideration 01:00:56.348 --> 01:01:00.918 as a potential evaluation criteria when we get to the full proposal stage, 01:01:00.918 --> 01:01:04.760 when we determine what projects get recommended for funding. 01:01:05.819 --> 01:01:06.018 And I 01:01:06.018 --> 01:01:10.191 think, if you have any further questions about that, type it into the chat 01:01:10.191 --> 01:01:13.238 and we can try and clarify some more as well. 01:01:16.351 --> 01:01:16.616 Thank you. 01:01:16.616 --> 01:01:19.662 Ashley. 01:01:21.517 --> 01:01:23.106 Yes. Thanks, Ashley. 01:01:23.106 --> 01:01:25.623 Frank, we have answered all the questions currently. 01:01:25.623 --> 01:01:28.604 Just so you're aware. 01:01:28.736 --> 01:01:31.717 We're after 4 p.m. 01:01:31.717 --> 01:01:32.114 here. 01:01:32.114 --> 01:01:35.095 So, I want to thank everybody for joining today. 01:01:35.625 --> 01:01:40.460 If you have any more questions or are curious about our funding opportunity, 01:01:40.460 --> 01:01:44.235 please contact us at the address on the screen there. 01:01:45.096 --> 01:01:47.745 And I wish everybody a good afternoon. 01:01:47.745 --> 01:01:51.057 Thank you. Bye now.